Criminal Charges were filed against me!

This matter has escalated! 
On June 17, I responded to the City of Redondo Beach’s code enforcement letter, I requested a call so I can understand their complaint and discuss how we can resolve.  Without any response to my letter, I just received yesterday a Notice of Arrangement as the City of Redondo Beach filed a criminal complaint against me for my trees. 

If you have hedges, this CAN happen to you!  There are over 30% of properties in Redondo Beach which are directly affected.  This is WHY it is imperative we act now to save our trees!

Enforcement of these dormant, outdated ordinances, will cause us to lose over 30% of our trees, our hedges, our privacy, and create a massive environmental impact.  One of the primary reasons the City was designated as Tree City USA was because of our trees.  We need to get the word out there and change these laws.

Call to action!

  • Talk with your neighbors.
  • Help me advocate for change.  If anyone is an attorney or knows of an attorney, send me your referral.  Email me at
  • Print a flyer and pass it to your neighbors:
  • Write to our council members and mayor:   (,,,,,,

Sample Letter

The City of Redondo Beach is officially recognized as a “Tree City USA”. They were recognized especially because of our status quo of abundance of trees. With the enforcement of this ordinance § 10-2.1524, this will force Redondo Beach residents to lose over 30% of their existing, established trees. We do not want to lose our trees. We do not want to lose our hedges. We do not want to lose our landscaping due to outdated ordinances relating to extreme, excessive tree trimming. These laws need to be updated, removing the word “hedges” from the height limit, current trees/hedges/shrubs/bushes need to be ‘grandfathered’ as existing, and the tree related ordinances need to be updated to reflect the current state of our union. We are for the environment. We are for privacy. We are for nature. And especially, we are for increased property values with the value trees, hedges, shrubs, and landscaping brings to our neighborhoods.