
Did you know that hedges, trees, or any plant that forms a barrier is restricted by the same laws as a fence?  These are restricted to 42 inches in the front yard (36 inches if you are on the corner lots), and 6 feet in the back yard.

Please sign this petition to get Redondo Beach to fix and update outdated tree ordinances, stop the City from criminalizing residents, let us keep our privacy, and increase our tree canopy.

Pictured below, this hedge (group of trees) is currently illegal in the City of Redondo Beach.

This is illegal in Redondo Beach

Pictured below, this hedge (group of trees) is currently illegal in the City of Redondo Beach.

Pictured below, this hedge (group of trees) is currently illegal in the City of Redondo Beach.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance.  Front setback taller than 42 inches.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance.  Rear and Side setback hedge taller than 6 feet. Having a little backyard privacy is criminalized.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance: Front setback hedge taller than 42 inches.  Side setback hedge taller than 6 feet.  Having a little backyard privacy is criminalized.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance.  Driveway hedge is taller than 42 inches.  Side setback hedge taller than 6 feet.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance.  Side setback hedge taller than 6 feet.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance.  Side and rear setback hedge taller than 6 feet.  Having a little backyard privacy is criminalized.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance.  Side/rear setback hedge taller than 6 feet.  Having a little backyard privacy is criminalized.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance.  Front setback hedge taller than 42 inches, side setback hedge taller than 6 feet.  Having a little yard privacy is criminalized.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance.  Front setback hedge taller than 42 inches.  Side setback hedge taller than 6 feet.  Having privacy is criminalized.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance:.  Front setback hedge taller than 42 inches.  Side setback hedge taller than 6 feet.  Having privacy is criminalized.

Examples of hedges which must be cut down due to this ordinance: Front setback hedge taller than 42 inches.   This is a newer reconstruction house.  The landscaping and trees are nice.

Pictured below, this hedge (group of trees) is currently illegal in the City of Redondo Beach.

Pictured below, this hedge (group of trees) is currently illegal in the City of Redondo Beach.

Pictured below, this hedge (group of trees) is currently illegal in the City of Redondo Beach.

Pictured below, this hedge (group of trees) is currently illegal in the City of Redondo Beach.

New Builds

Also, the contractors of new construction builds in Redondo Beach are acknowledging the importance of privacy hedges.  This picture was taken of a new build with an asking price of $2.4M.   Speaking with the realtor, they stated the intended purpose is to grow into a hedge for privacy from the other house 5 feet away.


Individuals, and City of Redondo Beach residents, who engage in tree planting and yard landscaping should be encouraged and not subject to criminal penalties. Planting trees and creating hedges are positive actions that contribute to environmental improvement. Therefore, those who undertake these activities should be recognized and commended, rather than selectively fined or criminalized.


The City of Redondo Beach is officially recognized as a “Tree City USA”.  They were recognized especially because of our status quo of abundance of trees.  With the enforcement of this ordinance § 10-2.1524, this will force Redondo Beach residents to lose over 30% of their existing, established trees.  We do not want to lose our trees.  We do not want to lose our hedges.  We do not want to lose our landscaping due to outdated ordinances relating to extreme, excessive tree trimming.  These laws need to be updated, removing the word  “hedges”  from the height limit, current trees/hedges/shrubs/bushes need to be ‘grandfathered’ as existing, and the tree related ordinances need to be updated to reflect the current state of our union.  We are for the environment.  We are for privacy.  We are for nature.  And especially, we are for increased property values with the value trees, hedges, shrubs,and landscaping brings to our neighborhoods.